Direct Digital Controller


What is DDC or Direct Digital Controller?

In a nutshell, DDC is a controller which use the analogue or digital signals from various devices of a field sensor and actuators and then process and control the system based on the programme written inside the controllers and has the capability to sends the information to another controller or DDC.

Basic Features of DDC

DDC or Direct digital controller usually has the followings features

  • The Analogue Inputs is to monitors the fields sensors values.
  • Digital Inputs to monitors the on/off status from switches/contactors.
  • The analogue output is to control the field actuators devices.
    Digital Output is to control relay or provide low voltages.
  • DDC must have internal ROM/RAM to store control logic and sensor values.
  • It must have networking protocols inbuilt to transfer the data between the devices.
  • Modern DDC controller should have the capability to implement BACnet protocols for communication.

Note that there are various DDC controllers available in the market from the different manufacturer and those DDCs are available with a variety of function and features based on the specific needs like controller has all inputs/outputs like Analog inputs, Digital input, analogue output and digital output and some controller has only digital/analogue inputs.

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